Valentine’s Day

Not just about love… it could be…. I like you, you like me? I think you smell good, I just want to give you something because you are cool (and smell good).

What’s better than a macaroon for Valentines? A Bertha Butt Big Load of Macaroons, then no one can actually tell how many you have….. Just sayin…

How stinkin cute is this? An edible word search???? Shows you are a thinker….

Why these sayiongs? Because polls show Happy VD, Kick Butt, Slug Me and Kinda Like You have less than enthusiastic responses…

How stinkin cute is this? An edible word search???? Shows you are a thinker….

Why these sayings? Because polls show Happy VD, Kick Butt, Slug Me and Kinda Like You have less than enthusiastic responses…

Bacon & Lipitor…. taking care of your heart. Get it?

Is it coffee? Is it a donut? Are they cookies? You could probably have a dozen of these cookies to equal the energy producing capability of one donut.

Love, Love, Love… all you need is Love, Love, Love.

That’s only true on Valentines Day.


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