Holiday Treats

Special collections of treats centered on a special day… like National Take your Goat to Work Day, or Labor Day, or my personal favorite- National Registered Dietitian’s Day.

I give you my heart. It’s very fancy. You can eat it. It’s better than a raw bison heart. Ask Kevin Costner.

If the Rockets were cookies, this is what they would look like.

If you want to be liked… take these cookies to a party. If you don’t care if they like you… Git a glass of milk and party on!

Black & White stripes never looked so good, and they do not make this ornament look fat.

For Bobby’s 7th birthday party when he got potty trained.

Red, white and blue never tasted so good!

Red, white and blue never tasted so good!

Ho Ho Ho Santa Baby!!!

Ho Ho Ho Santa Baby!!!

Spring has Sprung!

Spring has Sprung!

Coconut Surprise. I think coconut is a vegetable. Eat your veggies.

Coconut Surprise. I think coconut is a vegetable. Eat your veggies.

Sometimes, carrots can be yucky. Let’s face it- stewed carrots with a turnip sauce for one. But, these carrots come from Mr. MacGregor’s garden and are as sweet as the wee little bunnies and birds.

Fraught with indecision are you? Bar or Brownie? Stress no more. Just get both and be done with it. Life is too short.

No burning

hot chocolate burned lips here.

Stout brownies. Not stout like husky stout. Stout like brewski stout. Awesome, right?



Happy Birthday


Hubba Bubba Baby!